Saturday, November 8, 2008

Roll 4 Snow

The first race of the year was held in 37 degree rain.

Cold? 'Ya, but not cold enough!

Winner Pete Jennik says:
"The cold doesn't bother me, after a short time your skin just goes numb" !

See all the pix right HERE!

Welcome to Double Pole Pix where I will bring you the best coverage of the region's Cross Country Ski Racing. Lapham, Greenbush, Nine Mile, Hayward ... I'll be there with my gear capturing the action, the pageantry, and the emotion of the season's hardest races starting in January. Highlights will include the Lapham Peak Wednesday night sprint series, the Madison Winter Festival, the Birkie, Lapham, Greenbush, Nashotah, and hopefully some ski jumping (the 70 meter hill stuff). I will also be posting virtual tours of the region's best XC ski trails as I travel the area looking for the best snow conditions. It's going to be a great winter ... *THINK SNOW!*